Monday, December 11, 2006

Not Normal

Last week, while I was getting a facial (yes, I am that spoiled), I opened my eyes while the mask was on my face (because it is impossible for me to sit still for ten minutes). And, since the mask covered my eyes and only left small openings for my nostrils and mouth, the only thing I could make out was a small patch of white ceiling and a dimmed fluorescent light. That's when I realized that if I were in an accident and woke up in a full body cast or was like one of the characters on my soap operas who ended up with a completely bandaged face (usually because the character "died" and the original actor is about to be replaced by a new actor who will look nothing like the first actor but will be playing the same part so this must be explained by a "disfiguring accident"), that's all I would be able to see of the world when I woke up. So, like any rational person, I immediately added a new anxiety to my list of fears.