Living the Dream
Sometimes, my current career path takes me to fascinating places. (There's nothing like writing a story on exotic cat breeds that might be perfect additions to your family to get the pulse racing.)
But, few moments are as exciting as the one I had while I was conducting an interview last week.
I was talking to a former soap opera star when she paused.
"You know," she said, "I played the first runaway teenage alcoholic on daytime television."
"I did not know that."
"Yep, it's true." (This was followed by a rather dramatic, pregnant pause.)
"I'll be sure to write that down," I said.
What I love about this comment is that you know my interviewee was obviously not the first teenager on a soap opera, or even the first runaway or alcoholic on daytime. It is only the unique trifecta of "the runaway teenage alcoholic" that sets her apart.
I guess it's only fair to say that she broke the mold.
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