Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Now, I was going to keep quiet today. I really was. But then something truly mind-boggling occurred, and I had to share it with the world. (And, by the "world," I obviously mean my three friends and an occasional lost internet tourist who was hoping for the other writing Laurel Mills who is a published poet and professor. Yeah - I don' t know what the big deal about her is either.) Anyway, I was watching "The Price is Right" (because that's what I put on the TV when it's 10:00 in the morning and I'm working from home and possibly also because I really am 65 years old on the inside) when, to my excitement, they called a "Laurel" out from the audience to contestant's row. And, of course, because of all the connotations I have with my name (please reference previous post "A Rose is a Rose" for further explanation), I was scanning the crowd for a lovely, rosy-cheeked lady. And, even allowing for the possibility of a scowling, filled-with-rage lady, I was still, above all else, expecting a lady. So, imagine my surprise when a fifty-year-old Asian man bounded out of his seat. Yep, the "Laurel" in question was a middle-aged man. And, before you ask, yes, he spelled his name exactly the same way I do. Hearing Bob Barker say my name over and over again to a dude was just too upsetting. I think I'm having identity issues. And, on a completely unrelated note, I always thought the word "diabetes" was pronounced die-a-bee-tees. Why, then, does Wilford Brimley continually say die-a-bet-ease? Have I been wrong all these years? I don't know whether or not I can stand pronunciation and identity issues all in the same day. It's a bit much.